Friday, October 28, 2011


I really don't have much to write about. I'm feeling really depressed tonight. I'm feeling very lonely, and really not motivated to do anything but vent. I hate this schedule that John has to work. I'm thankful for his job, but I do hate the schedule.

I'm worried that I will never be able to have children. I think there is something wrong with my body, but I don't know for sure. We haven't been actively trying to get pregnant, but I've been off of birth control for a year and a half now. My cycle has become increasingly strange since then (sorry if this is all TMI). I have an appointment to see a doctor in two weeks about it, but it's with the community health clinic for poor people, and my experience with those kinds of doctors in the past has been less than helpful. But we'll see.

I hate that practically everyone I know is pregnant right now. Not that I'm not happy for them...I am very happy for them. But I still hate it. I hate that I'm in this state of limbo, not knowing what's going on with my own body, while it seems like the rest of the world has everything figured out.

What do you do when you feel lonely, scared and depressed? What helps you feel better? I have to sit here on my own for another three hours, festering in my imagination. I would love to know what you would do, right now, if you were in my situation.